Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Media Coursework Kit

Hi All

The new cameras,tripods,lighting kit and microphones have FINALLY arrived! Please come to see me as long as you have:

1) Updated your blog with your storyboard and plan
2) Arranged a block of 2 days to film and upload your video with your group (max time you can hire kit for)
3) Have something (or some one strong) to take all the kit away in (its heavy and bulky)

I also plan to teach a session AFTER SCHOOL on Thursday 20th November on Adobe Premiere editing. I strongly suggest you attend - IT1 at 3-30 pm.

Please reply to this post to confirm your places as it will be open to teachers and students.

Finally a huge thank you to you all - you are working very hard and I am really looking forward to seeing the excellent films you have been planning.

Miss J xxx