Firstly, we would like to welcome you to Gosford Hill's Media blog. This is where you will find up to date information and useful resources to help you with your study. Please spend some time reading the blog and getting yourself familiar with the course.
If you have any questions or need some extra help you can email your teacher or reply to this post.
The A level Course
The AS GCE is made up of two units that form 50% of the corresponding four-unit Advanced GCE. Candidates complete unit G321 and G322 or G323.
G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media
This is a coursework unit where candidates produce two paired media artefacts from a series of briefs. This process involves progression from a pre-production, preliminary exercise to a more fully realised piece. The briefs offered are: print, video, audio and website. This unit is internally assessed and externally moderated.
G322: Key Media Concepts (TV Drama)
This paper covers the two areas of Textual Analysis and Representation alongside Institutions and Audiences. In Section A, candidates answer questions on an unseen moving image extract that is then linked to some aspect of the representation within the sequence. In Section B, candidates study a specific media industry from a choice of: film, music, newspapers, radio, magazines or video games. This unit is externally examined.
The chosen topic for the G322 examination in 2011 is TV Drama.
The chosen topic for the G321 coursework portfolio in 2011 is Audio.
The coursework portfolio is divided into two parts, a preliminary exercise and a main task. Students need to show progression from the preliminary task to the main task. If a student fails to complete the preliminary task then fifteen marks will be deducted from the total final coursework mark.
Preliminary exercise: the introductory music/jingle for a show on the radio with a presenter introducing and greeting their guest (who must respond) and playing an archive sound clip relating to the guest (approximately 30-40 seconds duration in total).
This exercise is to demonstrate understanding of sound editing and mixing and conventions of radio.
Main task: A five minute news bulletin (local radio) to include title music, presenter, specialist reporters, OBs, recorded interview, a vox pop and appropriate sound fx and structure.
All audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.
Presentation of work
All work must be submitted via a blog site. Students must create a blog using the blog instructions and teachers should ensure that the blog addresses are recorded, along with student passwords. Students should use the following format for blog addresses
All work must be backed up onto a CD and be available for moderation by the examiner.
Working in a group
The production element and presentation of research and planning may be individual or group work (maximum group size is four candidates). Where candidates have worked in a group, the evidence for assessment may be presented collectively but centres will still assess candidates on an individual basis for their contribution to aspects of the work, from planning, research and production to evaluation.
Assessment procedure
The unit is marked out of a total of 100 marks: 20 marks for the presentation of the planning and research; 60 marks for the construction; 20 marks for the evaluation. Teachers should ensure that a coursework cover sheet has been completed for each student, clearly stating the bog address.
Unit G322 Moving image examination
The examination is two hours (including 30 minutes for viewing and making notes on the moving image extract) and candidates are required to answer two compulsory questions.
The unit is marked out of a total of 100, with each question marked out of 50.
There are two sections to this paper:
Section A: Textual Analysis and Representation (50 marks)
Section B: Institutions and Audiences (50 marks)
Section A: Textual Analysis and Representation
An ‘unseen’ moving image extract with one compulsory question dealing with textual analysis of various technical aspects of the languages and conventions of TV Drama.
Candidates will be asked to link this analysis with a discussion of some aspect of representation within the sequence, such as gender.
The scheme of work for TV Drama will prepare candidates in advance of the examination, using a range of examples from texts to demonstrate textual analysis of all of the following technical areas:
• Camera Angle, Shot, Movement and Composition
• Mise-en-Scène
• Editing
• Sound
The focus of study for Section A is the use of technical aspects of the moving image medium to create meaning for an audience, focusing on the creation of representations of specific social types, groups, events or places within the extract.
Extracts can be found in a variety of places;
are the easiest websites to download or stream material from.
14 years ago