This is a reminder that your coursework is due to be completed and uploaded on to your blog by Monday 20th April. OCR have issued further guidance in a Q&A form as outlined below. If you have any further questions then PLEASE email me or reply to this thread.
Remember - you will lose 15 marks if you do not submit a preliminary task.
Q. How does OCR want evidence of the preliminary task presented for moderation?
A. In this case it is video and we'd want the DVD if the work was selected in the moderator's
sample. (as well as on the blog)
Q. Can we produce a trailer for the main task?
A. No, the main task must be the opening of a film with titles.
Q. Technically, what is the 180 degree rule in the context of this task?
A. It is akin to drawing an imaginary line down the centre of the frame - with the two
characters probably at either end of the frame - and keeping the camera on one side of the
line - but able to move it up, down, left, right etc but not cross the line as that changes the
audiences' perspective on the shot.
Q. What is match-on-action?
A. Action in one shot, is continued into the next e.g. in this task an exterior shot of the
character opening the door moving to an interior shot of them entering the room.
Q. What is shot/reverse shot?
A. In this case most people would do the shot/reverse shot with one character sitting down
looking at the other character who is off screen, with the shot then switching to them
looking back at the original character. It's how most conversations on TV and film are
shown, often over-the shoulder of each character in turn.
Q. What's best practise for keeping track of, or authenticating candidates work when
they are out filming with no supervision?
A. There isn't one answer to this as it is what best suits the centre and candidates but
keeping a log of who has done what immediately after each piece of filming would be
useful. You have to take candidates’ word for it when they are off site and unsupervised
but if they are logging the work immediately afterwards and bringing it to the next
classroom activity you should soon get a feel for which students are contributing more than
Research and Planning
Q. Does research and planning have to be submitted as hard copy or electronic
A. Research and planning evidence may be presented in electronic format
Q. What is the word limit?
A. There is no word limit. The evaluation needs to address the seven key questions posed on
page 13 of the specification. Visual evidence is encouraged
Q. Does the evaluation need to be submitted in electronic format?
A. Yes, the evaluation needs to be submitted electronically in one or a combination of the four
specified formats at the top of page 13 of the specification.
Q. If using blogging or PowerPoints does the evaluation have to be in continuous
A. No, definitely not. As long as the questions in the specification are answered candidates
could answer in bullet point style if necessary, specifically answering each question. For
DVDs and Podcasts candidates can answer the questions aurally.
Blogs / Websites / Podcasts / PowerPoints / DVD extras
Q. How do we submit blogs to OCR for moderation?
A. Blogs must be available online for the duration of the moderation period. The URL (web
address) must be supplied to the moderator. This can be added to the CW coversheet.
Producing WorkQ. Can candidates use found work?
A. No, all work must be original, with the exception of audio and music, this doesn’t have to
be original but must be from a copyright free source.